Choosing artificial baits for catching striped or hybrid striped bass is not difficult. The harder choice is choosing when to use them. If they don’t work, you may lose confidence in the bait.
Texas has the opportunity for a “second spring” in years when fall brings cooler temperatures and rain. Roses, salvias and other perennials bloom, ornamental grasses flaunt their seedheads and newly planted annuals flourish.
What a brutal August we have had. Moving forward in September will be some cooling with the passage of cool fronts on occasion, but I’m also sure summer is not totally over.
Granbury's Barry Osborn and fishing records are as connected as beer and brats, politicians and promises, sweltering heat and August in Texas. But even he can't believe what he recently …
Tiny surprises tucked into faery mailboxes, garden tea parties, indoor campouts, and watching Perseids meteor showers from a blanket in the backyard. Such enchanting activities during a summertime …
In March of last year, the city of Granbury sought public input on swimming pool amenities through a community meeting and online survey. What did the public desire most? Cool water slides? …
The Granbury Parks Board’s Lambert Branch Park fundraiser has reached its goal, according to city Communications Manager Jeff Newpher. Personalized, engraved fence pickets were sold by the Parks …
The Granbury Chamber of Commerce is willing to take you out to the ball game. The limited availability trip to Globe Life Field in Arlington to watch the game between the Texas Rangers and the Los …
Staffers at Visit Granbury are masters at creating and promoting tourist-drawing events and it could perhaps be said that an occasion they are planning for 2024 will eclipse all others. Next year, …
We are asking for your support again as we “Ride for Rancho!” All proceeds from the 12-hour “SPIN-A-THON” will be donated to the Rancho Brazos Community Centers. Rancho Brazos Community …
Summertime and the living is easy unless you’re sweating to earn a few bucks. But even then, who says it can’t be fun? The city of Granbury is taking applications for part-time seasonal jobs …
The Granbury Chamber of Commerce and Granbury ISD are asking the community to pucker up and show some lemonade love for forward-thinking fifth-graders who may be tomorrow’s awesome …
Recently, some local residents have expressed excitement on Facebook about having spotted pelicans on Lake Granbury. One such post was on The Granbury Square Facebook page and explained that the …
The confusion as to whether taxpayers will have to foot the estimated $12,000 bill for repairs needed to the grounds of the Hood County YMCA has been cleared up: they won’t. Turns out, it was a …
An announcement made Friday by Gov. Greg Abbott is more good news for Granbury’s tourism industry. The city has been designated as the 40th Music Friendly Texas Certified Community by the Texas …
HOOD OUTDOORS As a licensed professional fishing guide, Michael Acosta shows you how to find them. A Granbury resident of more than 35 years, he has been fishing all of his life, and …