Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hood County News Archives

Explore Hood County News archive, both historical and recent editions. Find archives for Hood County News, Hood County News-Tablet, & The Granbury News.  Find newspaper articles and clippings for help with genealogy, history and other research. These archives are stored online at 

This is an affiliated service provided by and may have additional charges for clippings or page downloads.

Past issues may be viewed in bound books at the Hood County News office, 1501 S. Morgan St, Granbury, TX 76048. Subscribers have free access to all e-editions back to January 2017.


Current Image Count - 180,282

Papers in This Collection

Hood County News

Granbury, Texas

  • 149,178 pages
  • 1970 – 2017

Hood County News-Tablet

Granbury, Texas

  • 14,347 pages
  • 1945 – 1971

The Granbury News

Granbury, Texas

  • 10,022 pages
  • 1891 – 1945

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