Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Harnessing the power of art: community involvement



Stacey Watkins-Martin and Cora Werley are local artists and members with several others of the Granbury Cultural Arts Commission. Both work diligently with many other people and organiza­tions to promote Granbury as the exciting arts destination it has become.


You may not be an artist, but you can still become a friend of Granbury Arts Alliance (GAA) and enjoy volunteer opportunities. For example, in 2023 GAA will put on the dramatic “Dinner in White” under the stars, as well as the Dan Coates Memorial Exhibit and Art Sale highlighting our own nationally-known local artists.

Why would I want to do that, you ask?  Well, it’s fun! You get to hang out with creative people, eat good food, hear good music, and of course see great art — why would you not want to do it?

And it’s not just opportunities with the GAA. Our mayor is asking that our art leaders and City Council be trained by the Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA) to encourage art. “TCA recognizes that art and cultural activity is thriving all across our state.” TCA also gives out grants to communi­ties like ours for different programs — and once we get on their grant list, we can apply again and again. So the more involved we all are, the more we gain.

But why is TCA so willing to help us out? Because art tourism is a big part of the $69 billion (yes, “billion”) tourism industry in Texas. So TCA is interested in serving tourist communities like ours. Recently the Texas legislature approved $5 million for, among other things, an increase in TCA salaries — that’s a commitment to the arts. And just one example of what TCA is proud to be doing, along with the National Endowment for the Arts, is the program called Creative Forces to help our military veterans heal from their complex wounds . . . because ­art is also healing.

In fact, art impacts much of our lives — tourism, of course, but also the growth and health of our citizens of all ages, from children to the adults they grow to be.

Now, would you take a moment to let us know how art has impacted your life?  What position do different artistic expressions take in your life?  Maybe your kids are addicted to their electron­ics. Introduce them to art and see how they respond. Are both sides of your brain developing — even as adults? How else will we develop solutions to the world’s difficult problems without that balance, which creates the confidence that allows us to grow.

If you’re a professional artist here in Granbury/Hood County, don’t be shy, show us what you’ve got. We want to know what you’re doing to be able to help you as needed and to show what Granbury and Hood County have to offer our local community and the entire nation.

Finally, 2023 is the 45th year of Granbury’s iconic Harvest Moon Festival of the Arts held on Oct. 27 (set-up) and October 28-29 (show days). Act now to become a volunteer. Committees are just forming. We need 100 volunteers in areas ­­ranging from hospitality, childrens creations, spon­sorships, ­decorations, advertising and others. Contact either Cheshe Langdon (409) 789-3436 or Stacey Watkins-Martin (817) 733-2118 soon.

srebal01@aol.com | 817-733-2118

cwerley@werleylaw.com | 817-946-3865