Wednesday, May 8, 2024

64th Hood County Stock Show


Lipan’s foreign exchange students perked up when hearing about the county stock show.

“We can show animals?” the surprised high school junior agriculture students asked.

Absolutely, Lipan ag teacher Brad Harrison responded.

Riccardo Degliesposti, from Italy, and Tilda Soderlund, from Sweden, will show rabbits this afternoon in the 64th Hood County Junior Livestock Show in the Courts Cleveland Show Barn on the Granbury Reunion Grounds.

European schools don’t offer extracurricular activities, Harrison pointed out, so Degliesposti and Soderlund jumped at the chance when they learned that ag students in America compete in stock shows.

“They’re two really great kids,” Harrison said. “It’s awesome to have them involved.”

Soderlund is staying in the home of Walter and Wanda Baldree. That works out well because the Baldrees are familiar with show rabbits.

Degliesposti is staying with Dexter Cogburn, youth pastor of Lipan First Baptist Church.

The young Italian is bright and outgoing, a perfect combination for his ultimate job:

“I want to be the prime minister of Italy,” he said.

Harrison believes him.

“He’s a little sponge,” Harrison said. “He the kind of kid who could do it.”

Both are involved in other University Interscholastic League events, and Degliesposti plays on the Lipan junior varsity basketball team.

The Hood County Livestock Raisers Association (HCLRA), which directs the four-day event, expects some 1,000 entries, including cattle, sheep, swine, poultry and rabbits. The family living division features food, and arts and crafts.

The steer show is expected to be very competitive with several experienced exhibitors in the lineup, including last year’s grand champion Caeley Cody of the Granbury FFA.

Not so much with the chickens. Most of the exhibitors are newcomers, HCLRA president Lonnie Johnson pointed out.

Johnson, 76, will again be the voice of the auction. His roots go back to the first show, in 1955, when as a youngster he paraded a pig.

Last year’s auction raised $357,333 for the 4-H and FFA kids. Johnson expects another good auction because of a continuing robust economy.

Bidding starts at 1 p.m. Saturday in the heated Courts Cleveland Show Barn. Buyers will be treated to a steak medallion lunch from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the newly remodeled exhibit hall. The public can purchase a lunch for $10. | 817-573-7066, ext. 245


Rabbits - Ken McCracken Goats - Jim Missildine Cattle - Brandt Poe Lambs - Dwight Callis Broilers - James Barbee Swine - Cassidy Hayes Ag Mechanics - Curtis Lanley Skill-a-thon - David Roper



Show Superintendent: Roy Giles Sale Superintendent: Patricia Becker Announcers: Bobby Davis, Steve Berry, Gary Best Auctioneers: Lonnie Johnson, Donnie Johnson Livestock Skill-a-thon Superintendents: Chris Oxford, Tracy Reeves Family Living Superintendents: Shana Wartes, Allison Allen Agricultural Mechanics Superintendents: Larry Avery, Dan Becker, R.D. Madears Goat Superintendents: J.G. Brite, Jeff Spradlin Broiler Superintendents: Lonnie Johnson, Robert Presney Cattle Superintendents: Tracy Reeves, Chris Oxford, Bobby Davis, Nick Allen Rabbit Superintendents: Megan Zimmerman, Bobby Davis, Chris Oxford Lamb Superintendents: Don Zimmerman, Emmett Whitefield, Robert Presney Swine Superintendents: Bobby Davis Chris Oxford Ricky Wartes David Melton

‘They’re two really great kids. It’s awesome to have them involved.’
Brad Harrison Lipan Ag Teacher