Friday, May 10, 2024

Airport rainfall measured .35 of an inch Thursday


The rainfall measured by the AWOS (Automated Weather Observing System) at the Granbury Regional Airport during Thursday afternoon’s thunderstorm was .35 of an inch, according to the airport’s Director of Aviation Pat Stewart.

Stewart said he heard someone say that a location in Pecan Plantation may have received more than an inch of rain, but that would be an unofficial amount — and also has not been confirmed by any specific individual.

One rain gauge on the other side of Granbury, at a location near Acton Highway and James Road, showed .15 on an inch Thursday.

Multiple problems popped up during the thunderstorm, including multiple power lines being reported blown down by high gusts of wind, according to emergency scanner traffic at the time.

Stewart told the HCN that the strongest wind gust recorded by the AWOS at the airport on Thursday was 41 knots, which he said translates to 47.18 mph.