Saturday, May 4, 2024

'Better Beginnings’ supports expectant families



Brooke Wilson is a Licensed Professional Counselor serving families through MHMR of Tarrant County, currently pursuing certification in Perinatal Mental Health. A wife and mother of two, she continues to offer support for expecting families and families of those who have suffered perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. She facilitates one of the only (free) Maternal Support Groups (Mom2Mom) in Fort Worth.


Pregnancy is one of the most thrilling, yet vulnerable, times for a mother and her child. There are moments during pregnancy that can be both overwhelming and exciting and all expecting moms can use some extra support.

My Health My Resources (MHMR) is proud to announce a new endeavor, offering care to expectant families in Hood County called “Better Beginnings.”Families who participate in Better Beginnings have access to services such as perinatal mental health consultation, perinatal support groups, and nurse home visiting. These services are specifically designed to support expectant and new moms and their families.

Families served through Better Beginnings will be supported by a team of professionals that work together with the families to improve maternal mental health, increase families’ confidence to care for their new baby, and connect families to any needed community resources. family support coaches and licensed mental health consultants in Better Beginnings partner with local physicians and other community organizations to reach expectant moms and families as early as possible in their pregnancy. 

Perinatal support groups connect expectant and new families to one another while educating them on topics that arise during important times in pregnancy and after the baby is born. Families can choose to participate in groups such as Nurturing Parenting Program, Baby 101, Conscious Parenting, Mom Power, and Parent Cafés.

Families served through Better Beginnings can receive support from a nurse home visitor. The health of mothers and babies improves when they receive support from a nurse prior to birth and within their child’s first few weeks of life.

The nurses will be able to talk with families about important health-related topics, take vitals, and address any concerns the family may have, including referring to additional support programs as needed. The Help Me Grow North Texas Family Navigators can connect families to the right nurse home visiting program that best meets their needs.

Help Me grow is a member of Comanche Peak Coalition for Mental Health and is highlighted in

Better Beginnings wants to support Hood County moms and their families early in their journey of parenthood. If you are interested in learning more about Better Beginnings or additional resources for families with children under the age of six, contact Early Childhood Services at 844-NTX-KIDS (844-689-5437) or visit