Saturday, May 4, 2024

DEAR FRANKIE: Suspecting a cheating heart


Dear Frankie,

Rascal is my friend and neighbor. We have been sharing a ride to the dog park for years. Recently he has been spending a lot of his time with Maisie. The other day Rascal didn’t catch a ride because he went to a birthday party for his long-term girlfriend, Gigi. As soon as I came in the gate, Maisie ran over and started talking about Rascal. She said he constantly tells her how beautiful she is and how much he enjoys spending time with her. Maisie then asked if Rascal had told me they were dating. She could have knocked me over with a feather. When I had time to recover, I told her that Rascal wasn’t one for discussing feelings, so I wasn’t surprised he hadn’t said anything. I don’t know what I should do with this information. Is it up to me to say something to Rascal, Gigi, or Maisie or not say anything?




Dear Apple,

If what Maisie told you about them dating is true, I can see how difficult it would be for you to learn that your friend Rascal had been two-timing his girlfriend. Is it possible that Maisie makes more of Rascal’s comments than he intended? Saying you enjoy someone’s company and think they are beautiful doesn’t necessarily mean you are dating. Before you jump to conclusions, you might observe how they behave with one another over the next few weeks. If you notice Rascal’s behavior toward Maisie seems more than casual, you might tell him, in private, what you have observed and ask him point-blank, “What is going on between you and Maisie?” How he behaves after that is up to him. There is nothing more for you to do.  You have acted responsibly and respectfully to all involved: You have not accused him, tattled on Maisie, or looked the other way.

