Sunday, May 5, 2024

DEAR FRANKIE: Who’s the smartest dog?


Dear Frankie,

I am a 7-year-old poodle. When I was just a pup, I began competing in agility trials. I am now one of the top competitors in the field.

At the competitions, it’s not uncommon for a fan to comment on my intelligence. On occasion, one will say I’m just as bright as those Australian herding dogs.

This comparison never ceases to annoy and frost me. Sheepdogs live outside under brutal weather conditions and spend their life moving a flock of smelly and dumb sheep from one corral to another. I live in temperature-controlled environments, sleep in a soft bed, and have lots of free time to relax and get my hair and nails done.

You must always look your best when you are in the ring. So, I ask you, which dog do you think is the smartest?


Dear Skipper

Isn’t your question more about the rewards a smart dog deserves than which dog is the smartest? Dogs who become agility champions and herding dogs are both highly intelligent canines. You believe the compensation should be a life of comfort, public recognition and blue ribbons. I’m not sure a herding dog would agree or trade places with you, if given the opportunity. The reward for a herding dog is a tremendous sense of pride in living a meaningful life and playing a vital role in keeping thousands of sheep safe. There’s a saying, “To each his own,” in your case, it means what may be rewarding for one dog may not be rewarding for another. Although the rewards for champions and herders are different, isn’t it great how much pleasure they bring each of you?

