Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Display downtown brings needed attention to Sexual Assault Awareness Month





Sam Houston is the publisher of the Hood County News. He is also an actor, author, playwright, performer and entertainment producer/promoter.


The month of April has almost come and gone, but I could not let it pass without commenting regarding April being both Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Both social issues are serious concerns for our community. It is only appropriate there is a month dedicated to the victims of those acts to create awareness among residents as how widespread the problem exists.

I hope all of you have the chance to drive by the Hood County Courthouse and see the CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) flags circumventing the facility. Especially impressive is the “clothesline” exhibit. On the “clothesline” are T-shirts created by victims and survivors of sexual assault. Each person shares very personal and painful feelings stemming from their experiences as a sexual assault victim.  As I stood before the exhibit, I could read the print on one of the T-shirts. “You beat me, and you raped me! You said nobody would believe me! I believed you! I made it through all that crazy and now I am a survivor.” What an impactful and meaningful message!

Another T-shirt stated, “I think about it all the time,” and “I did not ask for it!”

I must admit I found it difficult to read all the messages. No, not because the messages were shocking to me, but because the messages were all too familiar. Unfortunately, my life experiences have included the opportunity to meet and know many people who have been a victim of sexual assault. It saddens me to think of a human being put in such a situation or being used against their will for the selfish gratification of another.

No, the victims did not deserve the treatment they received. They did not ask for it, they did not instigate the bad behavior, and they certainly did not enjoy it. It is despicable that the victims were subjected to such behavior, and it is exhilarating that survivors overcame the cruel treatment they received.

My mind drifted to men and women in Ukraine, who I understand are being subjected to sexual assault by invading Russian troops. How terrifying! How inhumane to treat others in such a way! How can this sort of thing happen in the world we live in?

How does sexual violence exist in our beautiful, peaceful little community? Interestingly, most times perpetrators are not some stranger lurking in a dark alley, but rather someone the victim knows. It must stop and it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to say “enough.”

Please take the time to stop by the Courthouse and read the T-shirts on display. If you have been a victim of sexual assault, create your own T-shirt and add it to the “clothes line.” I urge you to express your pain and frustration and let the world know you are not a victim but a survivor! If you are currently experiencing sexual assault, call the hotline at 1-844-579-6848.

Sexual assault needs to stop, and it needs it stop now!

Thought for the day: Sexual assault and domestic violence are difficult topics to talk about. Let’s talk about them anyway.

Until next time. | 817-573-7066, ext. 260