Saturday, May 4, 2024

Gospel truth


Diana and Gary Handley landed in Granbury in 2006 after living in a fifth wheel as mobile missionaries.

They traveled throughout several states helping build churches and spent a lot of time doing mission work in Texas.

They settled in Granbury to be closer to their daughter who lives in Abilene.

When they all get together, Diana has some recipes that her daughter remembers from her childhood days.

The following first three recipes have stood the test of time.

They have been in Diana’s recipe repertoire for 40 years.

The Christmas Potpourri recipe is new, but it makes her have the warm fuzzies.

She got the Broccoli Salad recipe from her sister-in-law.

“I make it every so often on Sundays to have after church with soup,” Diana said.

The Corn Casserole came from a good friend of hers.

She was at that friend’s house at a gathering where it was served.

“Everybody just loved it, and she gave a copy of the recipe to everyone,” Diana said. “It’s very good, and I always make it at Thanksgiving.”

These days her Butterscotch Dessert recipe that she got from her sister is a special treat.

“I used to make it a lot, but now I mostly make it during the holidays,” Diana said. “My husband and I are cutting back on sugar.”

So while you are cooking up a storm this holiday season, or doing anything inside your home, mix up a batch of her Christmas Potpourri to simmer on the stove to help you get into the spirit of the season.

This fruity, spicy, festive scent combination is as traditional as they come.

The intoxicating aroma of cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves, oranges and lemons is a welcoming smell any time of year, but especially on brisk fall and winter days.