Friday, May 3, 2024

If you call in an emergency, try to give useful information




 Sheriff Roger Deeds began work as a Hood County deputy in 1998, served as volunteer fire marshal, and was named full-time fire marshal in 2003. He was elected sheriff in 2008. With his guidance, the new emergency operations center opened in 2014.


This year, 2022, already doesn’t seem much different from 2021. We had COVID and still have COVID, and we had lots of traffic and still have lots of traffic.

As Hood County grows, so will our growing pains. My office is here to serve all who live in Hood County and those who pass through it. We get tasked every day with keeping up with all we do for the citizens.

All 911 calls and non-emergency calls come through my central dispatch. We dispatch all fire and EMS calls and law enforcement calls. The dispatchers are stretched to the limit and we are fortunate to have who I have working there. They answer the calls, input the information and dispatch the responders that are needed. It all starts with them.

Please give them the information they need to be able to serve you. One of my investigators always has said people do not call in to say they hope you are having a great day. Most of the time the person is having the worst day of their life. So calm down as best you can and be the best witness you can and give the dispatcher all the information you have by answering their questions. Then they will send the help you need.

Speaking of being a good witness, do not put yourself in a position to get hurt, and get out of the middle of that situation. Get the best information you can, like we in law enforcement have been taught get the who, what, when, why and how or the best information you can. The more information you have, especially on an in-progress call, makes it better for law enforcement to resolve an issue.

When I go out and talk with citizens who want to start a crime watch program, I always tell them the same thing — be a great witness to get the information, but do not get involved enough to get hurt. Keep a notebook close so you can make notes. It’s hard when you’re in the heat of the moment to remember details, so write them down if you can. Get good descriptions — cars, trucks, four-door or two-door, make and model — if you know. People tall or short, male or female, the best description you can give. Law enforcement has to be able to identify everyone involved to make a case and solve the crime, if you have one.

So stay calm and be safe but help us to help you. There is a person just like you on the other end of the phone, but they have had the training to do the best job they can for you. When an officer arrives, they are a person like you also, but have had lots of training — so give them all the information you have and stand back. They are there to serve. The same with fire and EMS personnel. They are highly trained and want to help you and all who need help. | 817-579-3330