Sunday, April 28, 2024




We spend so much time debating whether politically we are Republicans or Democrats with each party having the definitive word.

The sad reality is that neither party has all the right answers. So you can understand my premise. I ask that you think for yourselves and not what you are told you should think.

Let us not rely on talking heads who wish to influence our thinking; instead form our own opinions based on our own thought processes.

I am a conservative thinker because of a number of life experiences and plain common sense.

For example, in my personal life, I only spend what I can afford. I don’t accumulate unimaginable credit card or other debts to burden my children or grandchildren when I die or expect the government (you) to take care of me. Yet, we let our government do so. The nation’s debt is beyond comprehension and still growing.

I give to charitable organizations that I know have low overhead with the majority of contributions going to those in need. A simple check of their financials will tell you if they are worthy of your donations. Yet, we let the government handle trillions of our hard-earned money (taxes) in the form of programs which have taken on a life of their own.

Many of these are a handout rather than a hand-up that fosters dependency. Those who can work think why work when the government (us) will take care of our basic needs ... food, housing, child care, telephones, gas for our cars, etc.


Fraud runs rampant in these programs with little or no accountability. Our government is ill-equipped to administer these programs. It is too large of a bureaucracy to be efficient.

Our taxes to support these programs should be handled by local communities who best know the needs of its citizens and who can properly administer these taxes effectively.

Our government needs significant restructuring and return control of programs that are best administered by communities with state oversight.

Our government has failed miserably in charge of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, education and postal services.

Instead of urging citizens to save for their retirement, they have fostered the notion that Social Security is their retirement. The original intent of Social Security was not to be our total retirement but merely a retirement supplement.

On TV, radio, newspapers and magazines, we are urged to sign up for government programs that are “free.”

You know who really is paying for these “free” programs and who is pushing these ideas? Politicians who seek votes are the ones to enact legislation so they can add to their voting base. Many then become career politicians.

I’m sure that many had the best of intentions when first elected but unfortunately have succumbed to D.C.’s corrupt environment.

Have you noticed how many career politicians and some presidents who had modest incomes before being elected have accumulated multimillions in wealth or other assets in office?

If not while in office, they cash in on influence peddling as lobbyists, become board members of large corporations or are given questionable hundreds of thousands in speaker fees. Makes me wonder if these are payoffs for favors rendered while in office or for future favors.

The current push is to have presidents’ tax returns made public. I have no problem with that if it is the law. Why hasn’t Congress passed the same law to release their own tax returns? Is it not a double standard?

With full disclosure, we would better be able to unearth shady investments, land deals, personal use of campaign funds, etc. of unscrupulous politicians.

Free giveaways get the politicians elected. They are adept at legislating benefits which are now deemed entitlements.

Once given to solve a short-term problem, they become part of our society’s framework. They are never rescinded after the need goes away.


We are drowning in our ever-increasing debt. We can not sustain this level of debt for much longer. Throwing more money at the problem is the government’s solution. We are rapidly ceasing to be a viable society if we let that continue.

Many citizens cannot retire with Social Security payments. Saving for one’s retirement is a thing of the past which has resulted in many people having to work into their 70s and 80s.

All that being said, America is still the greatest country to date. We are far from being down and out. We need tweaking of our system. We just need to not listen to self-serving individuals whether they are politicians, lobbyists, the news media or billionaires who in the background are controlling us.


Congress needs to get off their gluteus maximus and serve the people instead if themselves.

A good friend of mine shared with me the following from an anonymous thinker.




Have a great day.

Lou Hendrickx is retired from the CIA. He and his wife Patricia live in Gran-bury.

‘Small men discuss people, Average men discuss events, Great men discuss ideas.’