Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Let’s talk about home inspections




Pam Knieper, Broker/Owner of Knieper Real Estate, is and has been the #1 Top Producer for more than 15 years in Hood County and running. She is known as the Waterfront Expert and the Authority on Real Estate.


Everyone has an opinion… From Sellers you will hear comments like: “That Inspector is way too picky, that house is 20 years old of course it doesn’t meet current code standards.” From buyers the comments will come from a different perspective: “That Inspector was so careless, she didn’t mention a thing about that big, ugly stain in the carpet.”

The one thing we all agree on is that inspections are a necessary part of the home buying process.  It is the best way to get a professional, third-party opinion of the condition of the home you want to purchase. When you hire a professional home inspector, they conduct a thorough review of the home’s major components. Some of the more obvious defects they are looking for are things like:

Safety Hazards such as: faulty electrical issues, the Structural Integrity of the roof and foundation, Leaks & Water damage, the HVAC system, faulty or non-functioning installed appliances.  Conversely, they are not interior decorators, and the scope of their inspections does not extend to cosmetic issues like stained carpet or light switches in odd locations. They do however have to inspect to current code which is a constant source of anguish for sellers whose homes were built prior to current code.

Once an inspection has been done, what are the next logical steps?

Prioritize. You knew going into the deal you were not buying a new house and it is unrealistic to expect a seller to bring a “used” home into ‘New” condition.  Concentrate on the issues that are most important, safety first and then the big-ticket items like HVAC or Roof damage.  Asking for every little item marked deficient on an inspection is a good way to get off to a bad start in negotiating repairs.

Estimate. Take the time to try to calculate a close estimate for the repairs you want.  Many times, a seller will offer the buyer a credit in lieu of repairs   You should have a good feel for how much you are, or are not, willing to accept.

Compromise. Much like when you made your initial offer, reaching an agreement on repairs is simply a negotiation. Know going in what you can and cannot live with and be open to discussing some sort of compromise.

Decide How Bad You Want This House. There are times, especially in a Seller’s Market, when a seller will just say NO. When that happens, you will have to decide. Can you live with it the way it is, and can you afford to make all the necessary repairs after closing?  If you decide to move forward and purchase the home, hold onto that inspection. It will be a terrific guide for you in planning future repairs.

If you have questions about the inspection process, please feel free to give us a call at 817-219-0456.  We do love to talk about Real Estate and are always happy to answer your questions.  Don’t forget to visit us online at | 817-219-0456