Saturday, May 4, 2024

Making New Year's resolutions that stick


Many people take the start of the New Year as the perfect time to plan and start new habits. Let’s face it, these often go by the wayside after a few days. Here are some suggestions for resolutions that might just be habit-forming.

Do something easy.

Start things off with a win. Make this resolution one that can be accomplished in the first week or even the first day of the year. “Buy a new loofah.” “Call Mom.”

Do one thing now.

“Add one vegetable to dinner every day.” Nothing could be easier. Your black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day count as a vegetable, especially if you make them into Texas Caviar or eat them with greens. That’s two vegetables!

Pair a new task with an ongoing one.

“Take daily vitamins.” For example, if you drink coffee every morning, associate a new habit with washing out the coffee cup. Take your vitamins then, or do five squats, text your mom—whatever your resolution might be.

Do something with a friend.

Having someone to grind it out with makes a difficult task a little easier. The fancy term is “accountability partner,” which might take the fun out of it. But it’s great fun to join forces with a friend to accomplish a goal.

Make the list making part of your resolution. (No, that’s not cheating.)

Try bullet journaling. Also known among its fans as “bujo,” bullet journals are very specific types of lists and list making—writing things on special ruled paper with coded symbols, using special sets of stickers and different colored pens to make your journal beautiful. For those who keep a planner, try bujo and see if this is something you will enjoy.

Catch yourself doing something desired, then retro-fit a resolution for it.

Any time you can add something to your list and immediately cross it off, your list and your habit building is all the better for it. Now go call your mom, add it to the list and give yourself a big fat DONE. You both will be the better for it. | 817-573-7066 ext. 245