Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Stop the blame game



The blame game has gone on too long with both parties. What amazes me is we do have laws regarding illegal aliens. Unfortunately, sanctuary cities and some states refuse to obey them. These are cities and states controlled by groups who are obfuscating laws that have been passed.

Regardless of how you feel about these laws, they should be obeyed. Citizens don’t have the right to pick and chose which laws they want to obey.

If a group doesn’t like a particular law, we have legal processes by which we can change them; otherwise we have anarchy.

Additionally, Congress and previous presidents have not done their job of securing the border. At least President Trump is taking a stand on this important issue. On the other hand, political pundits, opposition party leaders and apparent biased media accuse our president of being politically motivated.

Remember, he was not a career politician prior to his election. His platform was essentially to protect our citizens and change the direction back to its previous values.

Based on these views, he was elected because of what was a shared vision by his constituents to maintain this country’s integrity.


Some think President Trunp has no plan other then building the wall. I disagree. His plan is quite clear:

1. To solve the problem, you must first stop the illegals from coming into our country. Hence, the “wall,” which has become a battle over semantics. The “wall” is but one form of border security, which also includes increasing the number of electronic drones, blimps, sensors and other means to detect attempts to cross our borders illegally.

2. Next it is obvious that we need more border guards to ensure that these measures are being carried out. To accomplish his plan, it is imperative Congress funds this initiative. Otherwise, we are back to where we have been for so many years. More and more individuals and caravans will cross our borders illegally.

3. Existing laws should be enforced, ergo forcing sanctuary cities and states to cooperate with ICE. The groups that want to disband ICE are not looking at the big picture. Humanitarian issues certainly need to be taken into account. Unfortunately, the United States cannot be the world’s saviour.

4. Regarding DACA. President Trump appears to be willing to compromise and give amnesty to those already here but not allow incoming illegal children to become a new generation of DACAs. It is unfortunate our government allowed this to become a serious problem in the past. It is now time to fix it for legal citizens of this country and not pass on this financial burden on to succeeding generations.

5. It appears to be political maneuvering not to provide funding for border security i.e. expanding the wall where it is effective, enhancing other border security measures, sufficiently add more manpower to the border patrol and ignoring existing laws.

6. Strict enforcement of our laws, which preclude providing illegals with jobs, housing, medical care and assistance on how to circumvent the “system” should be the norm. Border Patrol officers should be empowered to return illegals to the border and not be required to put them in holding camps at taxpayers expense. Illegals should not be allowed to vote in elections, obtain and use false Social Security cards or be allowed to obtain drivers licenses. Green card holders, when their visas have expired, should be made to return to their native countries. Drug tests are given to citizens to qualify for jobs. There should not be a double standard with regard to illegals. Illegals’ babies born in this country should not be given automatic citizenship. Many countries do not permit this.

For those who believe that without illegal aliens – or as some groups say “undocumented” – this country could not function, I say “bovine manure.” These folks can come into this country legally to pick our crops, trim our yards, provide their construction skills and other jobs that Americans wish not to do. We have laws established to facilitate immigrants’ desire for jobs. If they want to become citizens, they must wait in line to immigrate to this country just as thousands or legal immigrants do every year.

Let’s stop the blame game and support the one president who is willing to tackle this horrendous illegal problem that is costing the taxpayers trillions of dollars and adding to our ever-increasing national debt.

What a legacy we are passing on to our children and grandchildren!

Lou Hendrickx was raised on a farm in Ohio. He spent 35 years in the intelligence field, of which 32 years was with the CIA. He and his wife Patricia live in Granbury.