Thursday, May 2, 2024

This Summer’s Must-Have BBQ Accessory: High-Quality Olive Oil


(BPT) - Once summer heats up, so do grills from coast to coast. Outdoor cooks are topping up their fuel of choice, brushing off the grates, and lining up herbs, spices, sauces and other ingredients to make every dish sing. And high-quality olive oil should be first among those ingredients.

Flavorful, versatile and nutritious, olive oil is an ideal accompaniment to any grilling favorite, from vegetables to meats and seafood. Here are four reasons why olive oil is a griller’s go-to.

1. Olive oil adds moisture and flavor.

A variety of olive oils, from extra light tasting to extra virgin olive oil, are available at grocers and have unique flavor profiles to explore, whether on their own or in favorite recipes. For instance, a milder tasting olive oil like Filippo Berio Olive Oil has a gentle hint of olives that lends balance. Using it as a light coating on foods before grilling locks in moisture and keeps the focus on the main ingredient.

On the other hand, says Dusan Kaljevic, CEO of Filippo Berio USA, “reaching for Filippo Berio EVOO can give dishes a boost of flavor, aroma and complexity. EVOO tends to have more character and distinct underlying tones, which makes it a good choice for enhancing vegetables or adding depth to marinades that infuse flavor.”

A quick marinade should combine fat, acid and aromatics, advises Kaljevic. “Mix 1.5 cups of EVOO with 1 cup of an acid, such as balsamic or red wine vinegar. Then, add nuance with aromatics — herbs, spices, onion, garlic, chilies.” Most foods need only two hours of marinating in the fridge for delicious results.

2. Olive oil is versatile for cooking…and grilling!

Olive oil is a smart, versatile choice for any cooking method. A study in the journal ACTA Scientific Nutritional Health found that olive oil is the safest and most stable cooking oil when heated — even at relatively high temperatures often used in frying and baking.

“Because olive oil is nutritious and can withstand heat — indeed, cooking oils rarely reach their smoke point in home cooking — you can use it for everything from dipping and salad dressings to baking, frying and grilling,” explains Kaljevic. “It’s perfect for every kind of cuisine and diet.”

3. Olive oil retains health benefits when cooked.

Olive oil’s fat composition is where its main health benefits reside, and cooking does not change that. Studies have also found that cooking with EVOO improves foods’ nutritional content as healthy phenols and antioxidants are transferred in the process.

The monounsaturated fats in olive oils can, according to the American Heart Association, reduce bad cholesterol levels and subsequently lower risks of heart disease and stroke. “Olive oils also contain polyphenols, with higher levels present in EVOO, which aid in preventing cancer, slowing cognitive decline, improving metabolism and reducing inflammation,” notes Kaljevic.

4. Olive oil can be a sustainable choice.

EVOO is produced by crushing the fruit to extract the oil, without applying chemicals. Plus, there are options for high-quality olive oils that are better for the environment, from raw ingredients to packaging.

“Our Sustainable Select line of EVOO uses certified integrated farming methods that meet rigorous quality and environmental standards,” explains Kaljevic. “A QR code on the label allows consumers to trace the olives’ origins and other details, providing transparency that consumers deserve.”

Food from the grill looks, smells and tastes good, and cooks can also feel good about their ingredients. With high-quality olive oil on hand, home cooks can’t go wrong in delivering flavorful, healthy meals from the grill all summer long.
