Tuesday, May 7, 2024

We need to hold our political candidates to higher standards



Sam Houston is the publisher of the Hood County News. He is also an actor, author, playwright, performer and entertainment producer/promoter.


I was an impressionable youth during the space race. It was a time unlike any other period I have experienced in my lifetime. Americans were fascinated and united in their goal to reach the moon and to do so before anyone else.

The space race was a testimony to our ingenuity, our competitive spirit and the great American desire to explore and conquer new lands. During elementary school we learned the names of all the astronauts on the Gemini and Apollo programs and those men were all revered as national heroes.

Imagine if you will, the career of John Glenn. He flew 57 missions in World War II as a Marine fighter pilot. He flew 63 missions in Korea as a jet pilot. He received multiple Distinguished Flying Crosses and a long list of citations for meritorious service. In 1962 he was the first American astronaut to circle the globe.

He eventually returned to space at the age of 67 to participate in a space shuttle mission and became the oldest astronaut in history.  John Glenn is a legend, a true American hero, and the type of person our youth and nation should aspire to emulate.  We should see those types of people running for our elected offices.

Nowadays, instead of being famous for great accomplishments and service to others, people are famous for “being famous.” It is sometimes referred to as the Kardashian effect; people have no singular accomplishments but have created a following using social media and outrageous behavior.

In the case of politicians, instead of specific plans for governing, they grow support by being louder and angrier than their opponents and criticizing rather than offering solutions.  For these candidates, there are no two sides to an issue, no compromise, no spirit of bipartisanship in hopes of finding a solution. There is only “my side” and the “enemy.” Civility is out the window. Heck, even people in the same political party cannot agree what their party stands for.

Some candidates try to win votes by implying they are tougher, more demanding, and more conservative or liberal (you pick a side) than all the other candidates. I have even heard of candidates implying they were more “Christian” than another office seeker. This type of behavior does nothing to promote good governing or a competitive election, it simply works to divide people, including members of the same party. Mostly it keeps people from focusing on the real issues.

When you hear candidates during this election cycle, remember this “Kardashian effect.” I hope any reasonable person would agree we need office holders who want to solve problems.

If a candidate cannot tell you their plan and have answers to the issues we face, be skeptical. Be critical of what a candidate says — and ask questions. Go to candidate forums and be informed. Governing is tough and a true challenge. Hood County is going to be facing some big challenges in the next few years and we need responsible, capable leadership. We don’t need Kardashians.

Thought for the day: The difference between a politician and a statesman is politicians worry about their next election, a statesman worries about the next generation.

Until next time

sam@hcnews.com | 817-573-7066, ext. 260