Saturday, May 18, 2024

Leadership Granbury member continues to grow as a leader and is now serving as district liaison


Meredith Fraser is a resident of Granbury and is a recent member of Leadership Granbury.

Fraser worked on movie productions out of college while living in New Orleans. In between movies, Fraser had a passion for music and would book bands shows. After leaving film, her friend suggested Fraser be a talent agent as she had been doing that unofficially.

For the last 12 years, Fraser has been a talent agent with a roster of around 30 artists and has booked shows in the United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the live music industry changed drastically, and Fraser thought she was going to retire from music all together.

It was at the beginning of the pandemic that Fraser decided to move to Granbury and be closer to family.

“It felt like a really great place to be,” Fraser said. “I just immediately fell in love with Hood County and the people here. I think we have the best people here in Hood County.”

Post pandemic, Fraser realized she still wanted to continue a career in the music industry. Fraser recently has taken a job as a production manager for one of the largest talent promoters in the country.

Fraser also just got hired to be the district liaison for US House District 59. On behalf of representative Shelby Slawson, Fraser will be representing Hood and Erath County.

“We’re just hoping to have a bigger presence here in Hood County,” Fraser said.

Already being highly involved with Granbury, Fraser wanted to join Leadership Granbury to continue growing as a leader.

“I was really drawn to what they’re doing there. They take leaders and potential leaders and they’re like ‘Hey here’s our resources and here’s our needs and here’s other people that are like you that want to serve this community’ The emphasis on service is what was so appealing to me,” Fraser said.

This year Fraser has had the opportunity to serve as one of the four junior class leaders under Leadership Granbury. Fraser noted the students are doing a lot of what the adult class is doing and is excited to work with the students.

Fraser is most looking forward to serving those underserved kids that are wanting to become leaders.

“That kid who didn’t see it in themselves yet, but someone within our organization decided that they’re worth investing in,” Fraser said. “The educational component of this program is so strong because of the connection that we have with our schools.”

Fraser described the most rewarding part of being in Leadership Granbury as the relationships the members get to build.

“The connections and relationships we have made over the past year have been irreplaceable. There’s nothing like it,” Fraser said. “I’m so grateful for the program and everyone that I have met. You are reinvesting into the community by strengthening those bonds and those relationships. You can’t event put a value on what this program does for you as a person, and for the county as a whole. I can’t recommend it enough.”

With working full time still in the music industry, being a member of Leadership Granbury and teaching the junior class all while now serving as the district liaison, Fraser has a full schedule, but is beyond excited for the future.

“I have been all over the place and I have no idea what is next, but I know that I always enjoy the ride. I’m always excited for what the future holds,” Fraser said. “I look at everything as an opportunity and something to be excited about. I’m thrilled for what the future holds for both me and this county.”